Different types of storage engines

by Guna 2010-09-28 10:16:21


The MyISAM engine is the default engine in most MySQL installations and is a derivative of the original ISAM engine type supported in the early versions of the MySQL system. The engine provides the best combination of performance and functionality, although it lacks transaction capabilities (use the InnoDB or BDB engines) and uses table-level locking.

Unless you need transactions, there are few databases and applications that cannot effectively be stored using the MyISAM engine. However, very high-performance applications where there are large numbers of data inserts/updates compared to the number of reads can cause performance proboelsm for the MyISAM engine.

Table 1. MyISAM Summary
Introduced v3.23
Default install Yes
Data limitations None
Index limitations 64 indexes per table (32 pre 4.1.2); Max 16 columns per index
Transaction support No
Locking level Table


The MERGE engine type allows you to combine a number of identical tables into a single table. You can then execute queries that return the results from multiple tables as if they were just one table. Each table merged must have the same table definition.

Table 2. MERGE Summary
Introduced v3.23.25
Default install Yes
Data limitations Underlying tables must be MyISAM
Index limitations N/A
Transaction support No
Locking level Table

The MEMORY storage engine (previously known as the HEAP storage engine) stores all data in memory; once the MySQL server has been shut down any information stored in a MEMORY database will have been lost. However, the format of the individual tables is kept and this enables you to create temporary tables that can be used to store information for quick access without having to recreate the tables each time the database server is started.

Table 3. MEMORY Summary

Name MEMORY (HEAP, deprecated)
Introduced 1.0 (only known as MEMORY since 4.1)
Default install Yes
Data limitations BLOB and TEXT types not supported
Index limitations None
Transaction support No
Locking level Table


The EXAMPLE engine is actually a programming example of a storage engine that can be used as the basis for other engines within the MySQL system. It does not support data inserts and isn't a practical engine for any form of database access. It is, however, a good guide to how to develop your own storage engine, and is therefore an effective guide for programmers.

Table 4. EXAMPLE Summary
Introduced v4.1.3
Default install No
Data limitations N/A
Index limitations N/A
Transaction support N/A
Locking level N/A

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