Happy Birthday Google - Google’s 12th birthday celebration

by bharathi 2010-09-27 11:00:48

Happy Birthday Google

The search engine giant Google Inc has been celebrating its 12th birthday by a new Google Doodle on Monday, Sep 27.

The birthday special Google Doodle was a painting of a cake by 89-year-old Los Angeles artist Wayne Thiebaud. The California-based company was first incorporated as a privately held corporation on 27 Sep 1998.

The birthday doodle was a more straightforward doodle than the 'Bucky Ball' doodle which Google marked the 25th anniversary of the discovery of the buckyball. It was a spherical dome of exotic molecules of carbon, with a special moving design.

The birthday doodle has a candle which represents the letter 'L' of the name Google. The artist Thiebaud's painting was used with the permission of Visual Artists and Galleries Association (VAGA) New York. His works includes paintings of many cakes, most painted in the 1950s and 1960s.

I bet the founders of Google didn’t know how huge and important their creation would have become in just 12 years. Today was Google’s birthday — September 27th, 1998 was the day they incorporated, and what a ride it’s been.

This type of thing doesn’t happen to very many people, but the founders of Google had a dream, and they made it real. It’s truly inspiring to see how lofty goals and ambition can make really big things happen.

Do you remember the first time you used Google? Who told you about it? Did you ever think it would be as important and far reaching as it is today?

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