Bhagat Singh Birthday - Biography and Quotes

by bharathi 2010-09-27 12:27:33

Shaheed Bhagat Singh Biography:

Bhagat Singh was born on 27 September 1907 at Banga in Lyallpur district (now Pakistan) to Kishan Singh and Vidya Vati. From his early childhood, Bhagat Singh was imbued with the family’s spirit of patriotism. At the time of his birth, his father Kishan Singh was in jail. His uncle, Sardar Ajit Singh, was a great freedom fighter and established the Indian Patriots’ Association. He was well-supported by his friend Syed Haidar Raza, in organizing the peasants against the Chenab Canal Colony Bill. Ajit Singh had 22 cases against him and was forced to flee to Iran. Bhagat Singh was considered to be one of the most influential revolutionaries of Indian Nationalist Movement. He became involved with numerous revolutionary organizations.

He was pursuing B.A. examination when his parents planned to have him married. He vehemently rejected the suggestion and said that, if his marriage was to take place in Slave-India, my bride shall be only death.” Singh later joined the Hindustan Republican Association, a radical group, later known as the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association. He returned to his home in Lahore after assurances from his parents that he would not be compelled to get married. He established contact with the members of the Kirti Kisan Party and started contributing regularly to its magazine, the “Kirti”. In March 1926, the Naujawan Bharat Sabha was formed with Bhagat Singh, as its secretary.

In response to the formulation of Defence of India Act, the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association planned to explode a bomb inside the assembly premises, where the ordinance was going to be passed. On April 8 1929 Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt threw a bomb onto the corridors of the assembly and shouted ‘Inquilab Zindabad!’ The bomb was not meant to kill or injure anyone and therefore it was thrown away from the crowded place. Following the blasts both Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt courted arrest.

Bhagat Singh Quotes :

"Ah my beloved, fill the cup that clears
Todays of past Regrets and future Fears
Tomorrow? _ why, Tomorrow I may be
Myself with yesterdays Sevn's thousand year."
Here with a loaf Bread beneath the Bough
A flask of wine, a Book of verse-and thou
Beside me signing in the widerness
And wilderness in paradise now!
"Ummar Khayyam" Natural and Civil Rights
Man did not enter into society to become worse then he was before, but to have those rights better secured. His netural rights are the foundation of all his civil rights.
Natural rights are those which appertain to man in right of his existence (intellectual mental etc.)
Civil rights are those that appertain to man in right of his being a member of society.
Rights of Man-Thomas Paine

"Morality and religion are but words to him who fishes in gutters for the means of sustaining life and crouches behind barrels in the street for shelter from the cutting blasts of a winter night."

Right of labour
We consider it horrible that people should have their heads cut off, but we have not been taught to see the horror of life - long death which is inflicted upon a whole population by poverty and tyranny.
- Mark Twain

The Old labourer
"….He (the old labourer out of employment) was struggling against age, against nature, against circumstences, The entire weight of society, law and order pressed upon him to force him to loose his self respect and liberty.. He knocked at the doors of the farms and found good in man only - not in law and order, but in individual man alone.
-Richerd Jefferies.

Free Thought
"If there is anything that cannot bear free thought, let it crack"
-Windell Phillips

One Against All
(Charles Fourier 1772-1837)
The present social order is a ridiculous mechanism, in which portion of the whole are in conflict and acting against the whole are in conflict and acting against the whole. We see each class in society desire, from interest, the misfortune of the other classes, placing in every way individual interest in opposition to public good. The lawyer wishes litigation and suits. Particularity among the rich; the physician desires sickness (The leter would be ruined if every body died without disease as would The former if all quarrels were settled by arbitration) The soldier wants a war which will carry off half of his burrials; monopolist and forestallers went famine, to double or treble the price of grain; the architect, the carpenter, the mason want conflagration, That will burn down a hundred houses to give activity to their branches of business.

Not a grave for the murder'd for freedom, But grow seeds for freedom, in its turn to bearseeds Which the wind carry a far and resow, and the rains and the snows nourish. Not a disembodies spirit can the weapons of tyrant let loose
But it stalc invincible over the earth whispering counselling, cautioning.
-(Walt Whitmen)

Will of Revolutionary
" I also wish my friends to speak little or not at all about me, because idols are created when men are praised and this is very bad for the future of the human race…..Acts alone, no metter by whom committed out to be studied, praised or blamed. Let them be praised in order that they may be initiated when they seem to contribute to the common weal; let them be ceusured when they are regarded as injurious to the general well being, so that they may not be repeated."
"I desire that on no occasion, whether near or remote, nor for any reason whatsoever, shall demonstrations of a political or religious character be made before my remains as I consider the time devoted to the dead would be better employed in improving the conditions of the living, most of whom stand in great need of this."
Will of Frenscisco Ferrer Spanish educator (1859-1909)

Glory of the Cause
Ah! Not for idle hatred, not
For honour, fame, nor self applause
But for the glory of the cause
You did, what will not be forgot
- (Arthur clough)
The mechine is social in nature, as the tool was individual
"Give us worse cotton, but give us better men" say Emerson
"Deliver me those rickety perishing souls of infants, and let the cotton trade take its chance."

The men cannot be sacrificed to the machine. The machine must serve mankind, yet the danger to the human race lurks, menacing, in the industrial region
- Poverty & Riches Scott Nearing

Man and Mankind
"I am a man and all that affects manking concerns me"

Aim of life
"The aim of life is no more to control mind, but to develop it harmoniously, not to achieve salvation here after, but to make the best use of it here below, and not to realise truth, beauty and good only in contemplation, but also in-the actual experience of daily life; social progress depends not upon the ennoblement of the few but on the enrichment democracy or universal brotherhod can be achieved only when there is an equality of opportunity of opportunity in the social, political and individual life."

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