Video Optimization

by Geethalakshmi 2009-12-30 22:22:59

Video Optimization

Video optimization as part of your search engine optimization efforts can be a great way for you to expose your brand to users who may have otherwise not been familar with your brand, your product(s) or your service(s). With the launch of Universal Search from Google, you can expect to see more and more video results occupying the search engine results that are served up by Google.

Marketers and site owners are continuing to experiment with video as a means of intercepting their target markets. As a result, we are seeing more video driven content surface on the Web. Just how popular is video content on the Web? Well depending on the study or data you review, the results vary.

SiteUnique Visitors (1000s)
(June 2007)
Year-over-year growth
1. YouTube51,378162%
2. Google Video17,759137%
3. AOL Video15,687114%
4. Yahoo! Video15,473405%
5. vids.myspace.com15,28169%
6. MSN Video11,9678%

With this type of growth, the need for online video optimization is a must.

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