Mahalaya Amavasya Paksha Tharpanam 2010

by bharathi 2010-10-06 13:04:54

The 15 Moons of Mahalaya: The Ancestors' Time

Did you ever know that your ancestors come and stay on the earth plane on special occasions? One such important occasion is Mahalaya - the 2 week period (Sep 24th to Oct 7th) which commences right after the full moon and ends on the Mahalaya New Moon Night.

Why Should I Consider My Departed Ancestors?

At the deeper, metaphysical level, there are only two simple reasons for all of our mundane problems:

1. Planetary influences
2. Departed spirits influences

But these problems can easily be solved with the blessings of your 64 Generations of departed ancestors. This is possible only if one knows how to communicate and connect with them.
Access Your Ancestors' Positive Energy Blessings

"There are problems that come from a great grandfather/ grandmother or an animal that we have hurt in another lifetime. I suggest you do Tarpanam every day. It will not only help you, it will help the whole world. Once you are liberated, the whole world opens up to you", says Dr. Pillai

By performing the Tarpanam ritual during this period, you can thank your ancestors for their contribution to your life, and also seek their blessings.

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