Dwight Clark update: Worst possible outcome in missing WWU student case

by bharathi 2010-10-07 10:27:51

BELLINGHAM, Wash. - Today the worst possible outcome in the case of the missing Western Washington University (WWU) freshman came to pass, his body was found in Bellingham Bay.

Dwight Clark, 18, went missing Sept. 26. The Bellingham Police Department has worked tirelessly to try to find him. They have coordinated search efforts with the public and have called on the best possible agencies and search teams available to them.

But it wasn't investigators or search teams that found Dwight, nor was it the hundreds of volunteers who gathered faithfully to search for their friend and in some cases, to search for a total stranger.

It was an independent contractor working for the Port of Bellingham, previously owned by Georgia-Pacific, who found Dwight in Bellingham Bay.

Bellingham Police spokesman Mark Young said investigators found Clark's driver's license with his body and made the identification from physical characteristics. A medical identification and cause of death are expected later this week.

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