Tree Man Is Not a Myth

by bharathi 2010-10-08 14:07:52

A big attention is drawn towards an Ent, as he was seen in a daylight. What is known about the Ents is that they are considered to be a mythical race of humanoid trees. They guard forests from evil.

Tree-Man Dede is a 35-year tree man. Because of an accident happened when he was a child, his knee had to be cut. As a result of the accident, an ability of growing roots from Dede’s body appeared. Due to deformities of Dede, his wife left him. Now the tree man participates in a circus freak show.

The tree man had an interview with the Telegraph. According to experts from the Maryland University, Dede suffers from this condition because of the Human Papilloma Virus which causes warts. Also the infection found in Dede is explained by a gene defect that interrupts his immune system that leads to inability to fight the disease.

Dede can return to a normal life in case of undergoing surgery. Moreover, dermatologists are ready to help him.

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