10/10/10 - A Binary Day !!!

by bharathi 2010-10-09 19:11:05

Sunday is the 10th of October 2010, or 10/10/10, or 101010: a binary day! Of course, it’s also a decimal day too, and one of the few that is the same no matter which way around you write your dates — so long as you don’t write the century part of the year, of course.

Without the decimal system we’d all still be using crazy imperial systems, with their seemingly random “n foos to a bar” schemes. 16 ounces to a pound and 14 pounds to a stone. 12 inches to a foot, 3 feet to a yard, 1,760 yards to a mile. 2 Coultons to the Hodgman and 9 Hodgmans to the Fry. Crazy fools… wait, what’s that you say? You’re still using them? Oh dear…

And without binary, the world would implode as virtually nothing would work without the system that all computing is based around.

So in honor of a date that won’t come around for another 100 years, here are 1010* binary and decimal items of interest:

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