Debugging your XML sitemap with an XSL Stylesheet

by Rekha 2010-10-14 17:21:54

Debugging your XML sitemap with an XSL Stylesheet

When you're developing XML sitemaps, no matter on what platform, it's pretty hard to debug them sometimes to be proper XML. You have to validate all the time and you can't do a quick "glance" over to see whether your sitemap has the URL's you were expecting.

XSL Stylesheets can help you transform your XML Sitemap into readable text.

You can download XSL stylesheet and just add a line like this to the top of your XML output:

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/url/to/xsl-stylesheet.xsl"?>

Open the sitemap file in the browser (Opera can't handle XSL, but IE and FF will work fine) to see the sitemap in HTML. The results are ordered by the modification date and then by location (alphabetically). You can click URLs to check if they are valid.

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