Sharad Purnima / Kojagari Purnima / Lakshmi Puja

by bharathi 2010-10-22 09:54:06

In this year, 22nd Oct., 2010 is the full moon day to be celebrated as Sharad Purnima . The full moon day in Ashwin month mostly comes in October or November as per Hindu calendar is celebrated as Sharad Purnima/Sharat Purnima/Kojaagari Purnima. This day is also called as Kaumudi festival as Kumudi means moonlight. The beginning of cold season (Sharad Ritu) of the year is marked with this day. Being the full moon day it is said that the Amrit of life is showered on all the living beings of the earth on this day of Shard Purnima. As just before this day the monsoon ends and moon appears to be very bright, a change of season is marked. A special calmness, cheerfulness and enjoyment seems to be showered by the moon on this night.

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