Permanently bypass the recycle bin when deleting files

by Rekha 2010-10-25 15:25:13

Permanently bypass the recycle bin when deleting files

This step-by-step article describes how to permanently delete a file and bypass the Recycle Bin in Microsoft Windows XP. To protect users against accidental deletion of important files, the Recycle Bin collects deleted files and provides a method of restoring those files.

You must explicitly delete the files from the Recycle Bin to make the deletion permanent. Until the files are deleted from the Recycle Bin, the disk space that is occupied by those files is unavailable for other uses. Sometimes it is beneficial to bypass the Recycle Bin, especially if you are deleting a large number of files (or a smaller number of very large files) that you are sure are no longer needed, and you want to reclaim the disk space.

You can permanently bypass the Recycle Bin by changing the configuration of the Recycle Bin:

Step 1: Right-click the Recycle Bin, and then click Properties.

Step 2: In the Recycle Bin Properties dialog box, click to select the Do not move files to the Recycle Bin. Remove files immediately when deleted check box.

Step 3: Click OK.

You can also configure Windows XP to skip the confirmation message whether or not you are using the Recycle Bin. In the Recycle Bin Properties dialog box, click to clear the Display delete confirmation dialog check box, and then click OK.

If you bypass the Recycle Bin, you receive the following confirmation-request message:

Are you sure you want to delete filename?

If you do not bypass the Recycle Bin, you receive the following confirmation-request message:

Are you sure you want to send to the Recycle Bin?

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