Search strings to find malicious code

by bharathi 2010-11-02 15:12:34

These are useful search strings, whether you are searching one file at a time or all files at once:

iframe : Can quickly discover malicious links, which are often in iframes.
src= : Finds occurrences of iframes and JavaScript because they both use this property. The equals sign might be encoded as = or %3D or %3d. Searching for just src would find all of them.
http:// : Finds references to remote websites.
script language= : Finds occurrences of scripts.
unescape : A JavaScript function often found in malicious code.
eval : Another JavaScript function often found in malicious code.

Make sure all instances of src= and http:// refer to files on your site or to external sites you know and trust.

Some common trusted sites that are not a problem are:

* (if you use AdSense)
* (Google Analytics). However, make sure it is not gooqle-analytics with the second G really being a Q. That is a spoof/malware site, and not ok. Other look-alikes of the google-analytics name are common, so check the spelling carefully.

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