iPhone users oversleep after alarm glitch

by bharathi 2010-11-03 10:39:13

Apple's iPhone owners overslept by an hour on Tuesday morning after a glitch in the gadget failed to set off the alarm on time.

Angry users inundated Twitter with thousands of messages about the gaffe.

Earlier, the company came under fire over reception problems with the release of the iPhone 4 in the summer, reports the Daily Mail.

Last week, another glitch was revealed where people could access the iPhone without knowing the security keycode.

Tuesday's error, contained within the iPhone's recurrent alarm feature, meant the alarm setting remained the same as it was before the clocks were changed at the weekend.

Users of Twitter were also quick to make jokes at Apple's expense. Garrettc wrote: "Daddy, do you remember where you were during the great iPhone alarm calamity of 2010?' 'No son, I was asleep.'"

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