NYC Marathon Results 2010: New York City Marathon Winner and Results

by Nithya 2010-11-08 22:07:59

NYC Marathon: New York City Marathon 2010 Winners and Results - This Sunday, November 7, 2010, Meb Keflezighi will try to become the first American male to win the back-to-back New York City Marathons since Alberto Salazar accomplished the said marathon feat in 1982.

The 2010 ING NYC Marathon will be considered as the largest marathon in the world, with nearly 44,000 finishers in 2009 will begin this Sunday morning, 8:30 pm ET with the wheelchar division and the professional women and men starting time at 9:10 am ET and 9:40 am ET, respectively.

The route of the marathon race course will begin at the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge with the first of five bridges runners will cross winds through Brooklyn, briefly passes through Queens, crosses into Manhattan (and down the thunderous First Avenue), dips a toe in the Bronx before coming back to Manhattan and turning into Central Park, where it finishes, 26.2 miles later.

Based on the last record, Keflezighi won the last year with the time 2:09:15 while the Ethiopia's Derartu Tulu won the women's division with finishing time of 2:28:52

Furthermore, the winner from each division will receive $130,000 (it's bumped up to $200,000 if they are a repeat winner) while the econd place earns $65,000 and third gets $40,000 respectively.

According to some reports about the marathon, New York Road Runners President Mary Wittenberg said about the Chilean miner, "He absolutely, 100 percent wants to participate. The ING New York City Marathon is all about inspiration and perseverance, and those values are never more evident that during the survival and rescue of Edison and his brothers in that mine.


Gebremariam started running himself at age 18 in Ethiopia, and he has won at every distance and on every kind course since until he made his marathon debut Sunday in relative obscurity in the New York City Marathon.
Running effortlessly and alone in the final two miles, Gebremariam, 26, cruised to a victory in 2 hours 8 minutes 14 seconds.
His only competition late in the race, Emmanuel Mutai of Kenya, had dropped back in the 25th mile in Central Park with pain in his leg. Gebremariam looked back several times, then stormed ahead to the tape.

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