American's Best Dance Crew: Champions performing for a Charity Cause

by Nithya 2010-11-09 21:19:37

This will be one of the most exciting shows that will happen in the America's Best Dance Crew because the champions will be coming back to perform on the stage. You should not let this Thursday night passed you by as the five champions on "Randy Jackson Presents America's Best Dance Crew" will set the stage on fire. This is in line with the Champions for Charity episode that accompanies the crews with subject from

Randy Jackson is an American singer, record producer and he is the executive producer of America's Best Dance Crew. He is also popular in his role as a judge on American Idol.

Set your mind on the right track as this show will not be a battle between the champions. Maybe you are now thinking whether We Are Heroes could overcome the robots of Poreotix, or if the Jabbawockeez mystery and artistry can out beat the creative minds of Quest Crew. This is a wrong notion about what will happen this night. The champions will find their way to give their best not just for the fans but most especially because of the charity.

The Charity episode and its cause is indeed much more important than the battle it self. Nevertheless, fans will surely find their way to depend their favorites. This is a good face off that will be for the good cause. This is indeed a great show and let us hopes that each of them will not fail us with their performances tonight.

The five champions that you will need to wait are Poreatrix, Jabbawockeez, Super Cr3w, Quest Crew and We Are Heroes. All of them will be team up with to celebrate the dedication of the young volunteers. Exciting show indeed!

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