SI recruitment test on December 18, 19

by bharathi 2010-11-19 09:30:43

In spite of the unrest in Telangana over the issue, the government has announced its decision to go ahead with the original schedule to conduct the written test on December 18 and 19 for recruitment of sub-inspectors.

Chief Minister K. Rosaiah, who made the announcement on Thursday evening, said the written test would not affect the interests of candidates belonging to the Zone VI (Hyderabad) as 445 out of the 1,293 posts covered by the recruitment meant for this zone, would not be filled till clause 14 (f) of the Presidential Order was deleted.

He cited six reasons for going ahead with the recruitment after holding a meeting with Home Minister P. Sabita Indra Reddy and the police top brass.

In all, 18,300 out of 42,000 candidates have qualified for the written test after being successful in physical fitness test comprising a 5 km run etc.

Mr. Rosaiah said the problems of the qualified candidates could not be ignored if the exam was postponed. Many of them had represented to the government against deferring the test. Candidates belonging to the weaker sections had spent sizeable sums on coaching and preparing for the test.

Many of them would face age bar for future recruitment tests.

Moreover, there is a dire need to increase numerical strength of the police force for proper maintenance of law and order.

Expressing helplessness to postpone the test by a month as demanded, he asked, “What can we do if the same demand is raised after one month?”

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