Kids Spend 35 Hours Per Week Watching TV

by GJSenthil 2010-11-23 23:05:52

Kids Spend 35 Hours Per Week Watching TV

Children between the ages of 6-17 viewing television more than 35 hours a week which could severely generate a greater risk of obesity, aggressive and violent behavior amongst them, reveals the ASSOCHAM survey conducted under its Social Development Foundation (SDF).

According to the associated chamber of commerce and industry of India (ASSOCHAM), the average children watches more than 5 hours of TV each day (or 35 hours/week)

Set viewing limits to ensure that your kids don’t spend too much time watching TV by

* Limit the number of TV-watching hours:
o Keep TVs out of bedrooms.
o Turn the TV off during meals.
o Don’t allow kids to watch TV while doing homework.
o Treat TV as a privilege to be earned — not a right.
* Try a weekday ban.

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