Hassle Free Turkey Recipes

by bharathi 2010-11-24 10:26:17

Hassle Free Turkey Recipes

In holiday news, it's time to get out the clever and prepare to cook that Thanksgiving Turkey. Tired of the same old Turkey Recipe? Well check this one out and it has some great ingredients that will make this bird less of a bland horror.

The winner is an herb rubbed roasted turkey recipe that features black peppercorns, garlic, fennel seeds, lemon zest, and rosemary are blended into a paste that gives this turkey breast a flavor that falls between a traditional Thanksgiving bird and Italian sweet sausage.

What to buy: Uncooked bone-in turkey breasts may need to be special-ordered from your butcher.

This recipe was featured as part of our Thanksgiving for Six menu.


* 2 bone-in turkey breast halves (weighing 6 to 7 pounds total)
* 6 tablespoons olive oil
* 3 tablespoons kosher salt
* 8 medium garlic cloves, halved
* 2 tablespoons fresh rosemary leaves
* 2 tablespoons fennel seeds, lightly crushed
* 1 tablespoon black peppercorns, lightly crushed
* 1 medium lemon, zested

We hope you enjoy it and your holiday season.

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