How to Make Money with Reseller Web Hosting

by Nithya 2010-11-24 21:29:06

How to Make Money with Reseller Web Hosting

Many people don't realize that they can make money from web hosting. Buying a web hosting server unit can be very expensive. No one would want to spend so much money on buying the server unit. However, there is one way that you can sell hosting service to customers without having to purchase the server unit, which is to buy reseller hosting.

Reseller hosting is a type of hosting that allows you to sell hosting to your customers. It is often sold to customer as a value added service. Web design companies often purchase reseller hosting so that they can sell them to their clients. Web design companies offer web hosting services so that the clients can conveniently host the domains with them.

Reseller hosting can help you to generate recurring income every month. You are free to set the price of the hosting plan. The cost of the reseller hosting is more expensive than shared hosting. On average, the cost of the reseller hosting is $30 - $40 per month. You can get it from HostGator or JustHost.

Once you have purchase the reseller hosting, you can divide the space into many accounts. For example, if you purchase a reseller hosting plan that offer 5000 GB space, you can create 1000 accounts with each having 5 GB of disk space. You are responsible for creating the accounts for the customers. Whenever customers have problem, they will contact you.

There are many ways to sell your reseller hosting services. You can set up a website and promote it. You can use Google Adwords to advertise your hosting services. Before signing up for Google Adwords, make sure that it will be profitable. The ads can run thousands of clicks in a short time and cost you a lot of money. If it is not profitable, it is recommended that you look for other ways to advertise your reseller hosting services. You can also advertise your reseller hosting services on forums. In addition, you can advertise in the blogs.

Selling web hosting services from reseller hosting plan can generate a monthly income. HostGator and JustHost are one of the best reseller web hosting provider.

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