How to get free from Pimples

by Nithya 2010-11-24 21:34:54

There are many debates about pimples, especially either to pop or not to pop. Here your best defense is your knowledge, If you seeking for the proper knowledge then, here it is :-

Mostly Pimples happens when excess of sebum and dead skill cells clog the sebaceous gland. This gland is located under the skin connected with the hair follicles. This gland has cells that exude fatty substance that mount up the cell with swell and burst. The combination of this fatty substance and cellular debris is called sebum.

Sebum is exude in the hair follicles, keep the hair, and skin soft, supple and water proof. Nevertheless, when this sebum gets excess and the gland clogged, Pimples and Blackheads takes place. Convinced Bacteria flourished in the muddle, and attack the immune system to cause inflammation and redness, which is called pimple.

This is the myth Pimple are caused because of Chocolate or greasy foods. A good diet always improves the health and improves the immune system.

How to remove Pimples

1. Prevention is better than cure. Make sure clean your face daily with facial wash soap. This will dries out the skin. Do not use hard scrub.
2. Acquire a pot of water and boil it. At the time of boiling, grab the towel and put it over your face, holding it out so, it captures the maximum amount of steam at your face. Do this at least once in a weak for ten minutes. This will keep out the whole dust from the pores of your faces. After it, apply the facial moisturizer.
3. Do not touch your pimple; it will spread in the face.
4. Alter your pillow cover after three day. Because dead skin cells and oil get on the pillow cover while you sleep and it rubbed back into your skin.
5. Wash your face before sleeping at night. Nevertheless, If you wish, you can wash your at the morning. But, don't wash it too much, it will dry out your skin.
6. Don't pop your pimple. It will increase the chances for next pimple to come, which is also called secondary infection.

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