Advantages of converting navbars to plain HTML

by sabitha 2010-11-30 16:27:41

Advantages of converting navbars to plain HTML

1. Navbars are one of the features corrupted by a FrontPage Extensions uninstall and reinstall. You will no longer have to fear that your navbars could become corrupted or fail to be displayed.

2. Your non-webbot navbars will easily import to other web design programs like Expression Web and Dreamweaver.

3. You will no longer be dependent on your site's Navigation structure. If you want a page to be included in the navbars of two, three, or more other pages, you can do it. If you want to make special exceptions, or create custom link bars with an unusual assortment of page links in them, you can do that, too.

4. If you remove the navigation webbots and also remove all Table of Contents (Outline) webbots, you can abandon the Navigation pane entirely, and no longer have to keep it updated. This is an advantage because although I've never seen the Navigation pane become corrupted, if it does happen, it must be manually rebuilt entirely from scratch, one page at a time.

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