Indian technology catches Harvard eye

by bharathi 2010-12-01 10:43:27

Indian technology catches Harvard eye

An award winning drip irrigation technology developed by an Indian company that has caught the attention of the Harvard Business School holds out hope for poor farmers from earthquake-hit Haiti to Africa.

Jalgaon (Maharashtra)-based agro, pipes, processed foods and irrigation major Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd (JISL), which has won Unesco's Water Conserver Award and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) honour for its inclusive, sustainable business model, has been working with small farmers in Haiti and has now been invited by several African nations to help them out.

"In Haiti we are working with the Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation and Coca-Cola for developing a business model for small farmers," Dilip Kulkarni, president Agro Foods, Jain Irrigation, told IANS on phone from Boston, Massachusetts.

Kulkarni, who was in Boston last week to present the company's business model at an agriculture symposium at the Harvard Business School, said: "We have developed a technology for mango production in Haiti where Coca-Cola is launching a beverage called Haiti Hope." Indian technology catches Harvard eye

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