Highest Waterfall in India

by bharathi 2010-12-10 09:19:07

Highest Waterfall in India

Jog Fall located at southern state of Karnataka is India's highest waterfall. Its height is 830 feet and is located on Sharavati River. The falls are in four distinct cascades called as, Raja, Rani, Roarer and Rocket. There is an hydro electric power generating station name after Mahatma Gandhi.

How to reach Jog Fall

Jog fall located on National Highway number 206 connecting Honovar to Tumkur and is well connected by road. Jog fall is 372 KM from Bangalore the capital of Karnataka State. Nearest best place to stay is Shimoga the district headquarter. You can also stay at Jog fall as we found some budget hotels of Youth hostel and KTDC. Accommodation available at the cost of Rs 600 to 700 per day for a family or a group of people ( 7 to 8 members ) . Vegetarian and non-vegetarian food is available. From Shimoga Jog fall is 105 KM and is nearly 30 KM from Sagar. You can stay at Sagar also if you want to be near to the Jog fall. Shimoga is well connected by road from Mysore and Bangalore, in day time you can get bus in one hour duration from both these places. Highest Waterfall in India

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