Kissing Tips

by Geethalakshmi 2011-01-10 10:43:09

Kissing Tips

A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.

Couples should not limit kissing merely to times like making out, or as the conclusion to a date or a prelude to something more. Kissing your lover should be an everyday affair, an expression of your love for her.

Dos and Don'ts for Kissing
Don't drool all over her mouth while kissing. Women don't like wet or sloppy kisses.
Don't keep your lips stiff and rigid. You've got to keep your lips soft and sensuous. She needs to be able to feel your lips.
Don't keep your lips closed. Open your lips! Women don't enjoy kissing just a slit on a guys face.
If you don't know how to kiss properly, try to practice on the back of your hand. Pretend that you are kissing a hot & sexy beautiful woman that you're dying to become intimate with. You could also practice kissing yourself on the mirror.
In short, if you really want to succeed with single women in the love and romance department, you must be a good kisser.

A great kiss should always be when you're alone with her. A movie theatre is a good place because it's dark and people won't be paying attention. Try to sit near the back, though, for privacy. But I do believe that a first kiss should be the good-bye kiss. When you're dropping her off at her place or saying good-bye from seeing one another until the next time, ask her if it's okay if you kiss her. It's not childish or geeky to ask a woman that. It's respectful and kind.

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