Google - The First Company To Break The Billion Visitor Mark

by ponsankari 2011-06-24 10:25:02

Roughly one in seven people around the world visit Google monthly. Google has just become the first company to break the billion visitor mark for the monthly unique visitor (MUV) metric.

Google's Billion-User Base:

Despite increased competition from Bing, Google's user base has continued to grow over the last year. Over that time period, the company has seen an 8.4 percent increase. The growth is lower than the growth rate of direct competitors Microsoft and Yahoo (15 percent and 10.8 percent growth, respectively), and substantially lower than Facebook's impressive 30 percent growth.


Google's Current Search Share and Competition:

Google does remain safely in the lead for the total "unique page views" and the total number of searches conducted, but the other companies in the running are substantially different dependent on which metric you're examining. In unique monthly page views, Microsoft properties come in second, Facebook properties comes in third, Yahoo peroperties comes in fourth, and Wikipedia properties come in fifth.

For search share alone, Google is in first (11.2 billion searches), Yahoo ranked second (2.7 billion searches), Microsoft ranked third (2.4 billion searches), Ask ranked fourth (502 million searches),and AOL ranked fifth (254 million searches). All the listed figures include searches on all search properties owned by the company.

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