Partial Solar Eclipse Occurs on July 1, 2011

by Abitha 2011-06-30 10:03:30

Partial Solar Eclipse Occurs on July 1, 2011

The July 1 partial solar eclipse will occur only one lunation after the last partial solar eclipse. Unfortunately this eclipse will not be visible for most of the world. This eclipse will be the third of four partial solar eclipses that occur throughout the year.
Path of the partial solar eclipse
This image shows the partial solar eclipses path on July 1, 2011. The shades of red depict the eclipse's visibility

Where is the Eclipse Visible?

The partial solar eclipse on July 1, 2011, will only be visible if you are on the coast of Antarctica, where the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet. This eclipse occurs only one month after the June 1 partial solar eclipse. The lunar penumbra will briefly touch and only glance the globe off Lutzow-Holm bay which is on the coast of Antarctica. A partial solar eclipse occurs when the moons shadow misses the earth but passes very close to it.
Greatest Eclipse Occurrence

The greatest eclipse occurs at 08:39:11 UT with a magnitude of 0.096 at latitude -65° 09.5, longitude +28° 38.9.

Eclipses in 2011

The partial solar eclipse on July 1, 2011 is one of six eclipses that occur in 2011. The full list of eclipses in 2011 includes:

A partial solar eclipse on January 4.
A partial solar eclipse on June 1.
A total lunar eclipse on June 15.
A partial solar eclipse on November 25.
A total lunar eclipse on December 10.

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