Portrait Artists Directory (FREE artist listing)
by lmerriam[ Edit ] 2011-07-02 17:49:40
If you're a <b>professional</b> portrait artist be sure to sign up for this new on-line directory which promises to be "the most complete database of top portrait painters in the world." Basic listings are <u>free</u> to all qualified artists and include a portrait thumbnail with a link to your website. The exposure is nice, but the real value lies in this link to your website. Inbound links from relevant sites improve Google search rank, sometimes dramatically. Sign up now at PortraitArtists.com <br>
<font size="2">About PortraitArtists.com: The premier destination to browse the worlds largest database of top portrait artists, select favorites, and request a quotation for a commissioned portrait. Basic listings are free (and without obligation) to all artists.<br>