Bing Hits All - Time High Market Share

by ponsankari 2011-07-14 10:00:10

Bing hit all-time high market shares in June for both "core search" and "explicit search" according to the latest comScore figures out today. But, Bing's gains aren't coming at Google's expense; Google maintained its share in explicit search and made gains of its own in core search.


Here's a look at the comscore report:

Explicit search, June 2011 (doesn't include image/contextual/Google Instant)

Google: 65.5% (essentially unchanged from May)
Yahoo: 15.9% (essentially unchanged)
Bing: 14.4% (up from 14.1% in May)

Bing's 14.4% is an all-time high share of explicit search. Combined, Bing/Yahoo is now at 30.2% market share, up from 30% in both April and May.

Meanwhile, both Ask and AOL are at record lows of 2.9% and 1.4%, respectively.

Core search, June 2011

Google: 64.5% (up from 63.3% in May)
Yahoo: 17.5% (down from 19.6% in May)
Bing: 14.1% (up from 13.1% in May)

Bing's 14.1% is an all-time high in core search share.

Overall search activity is up, comScore says. In June, there were 16.7 billion explicit searches, up 8% over June 2010. The core search figure is also up to 18.7 billion, a 14% gain over June 2010.

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