Now Google+ offer games

by sithurajkumar 2011-08-12 12:09:47

Now Google+ offer games

You knew it was coming: Google+ now includes games.

According to a screenshot posted on Google’s announcement, there are currently 16 games available at launch, including popular titles like Angry Birds, Bejeweled and others.

Games are rolling out “gradually” starting today, Google says. Users will see a colorful, new button at the top of the page that leads to a dedicated page for Google+ Games.


The Games page will include game-related updates from people in your circles, invitations to join games and a collection of your own game-related accomplishments.

Google says users that aren’t interested can just avoid that page. “Games in Google+ are there when you want them and gone when you don’t.”

Games are obviously a huge part of (some) people’s attraction to Facebook and Google+ needs this feature — and a lot more — if it hopes to try drawing the non-tech crowd away from Facebook.

Part of that effort will involve allowing Google+ to become a platform for third-party developers, and today’s announcement also includes news that Google has launched a blog just for developers: The Google+ Platform Blog. The initial post there offers a preview of what’s to come:

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