Tips for building one way links for website

by Geethalakshmi 2011-12-08 16:24:50

Tips for building one way links for website

One way links are very important to get top 10 rankings on search engines. Now Google gives very low importance to reciprocal links as it can easily understand that this has been done just to boost search engine rankings and nothing else.

A lot of time people ask me how can I get one way links for my website. In that case I suggest them the following methods to acquire natural one way links:

1. Write articles - Write meaningful and informational articles on your website so that other people who find you article useful may link to you from their websites. This is one of the best and proven way to get natural one way links.

2. Blogging - Participate in blogs at other sites or create a blog on your website and post latest news on this blog and discuss it with other people and this again let other sites link to you. Very soon you will find the listing of your blog in lot of other blogs plus other informational sites will also not hesitate in linking you from their website.

3. Directory Submission - Submit your site to free directories like DMOZ as listing in Dmoz is of great importance. Apart form DMOZ there are various other small and big free directories where you can submit your site. This helps you in getting links from subject related to your website. Some other free directories are,,

4. Forum Participation - Start taking active participation in forums that interest you most or on forums that relate to the subject of your website. You can leave a signature in your forum posts which may contain the URL of your website with your main keywords in it.

5. Submit your news and press release - Whenever anything big goes on your site than you can submit your news or press release to other sites that actively publish news of other sites. Like if you are a hosting company and you have launched a new hosting package which is better than others than submit the press release on hosting related sites which accept press releases. This not only provides you inbound link but also brings a lot of traffic to your website.

6. Free Downloads - If you have developed any software or if you are able to create any software utilities, scripts, then you can provide them free on your website and this again makes other people to link to your website. You may also request people who download from your site to link to your website so that you can provide them more related and improved stuff in future.

7. Extra Services - If you provide any service to people who own a website than you can ask them to link to your website and in return you can provide them some extra or value added service or extended support with your services. This can be of great interest to most of your clients as everybody loves a thing that comes as free .

8. Add testimonials - Another added way to get links is to submit testimonials on websites from where you have purchased any services or products as webmasters may publish your testimonials on their website which may also contain the link of your site.

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