Install Crashplan backup tool in Linux

by Manoj 2012-04-11 16:20:09

CRASHPLAN<font color=#00FF00><font size=4></font></font>
CrashPlan is an automated backup solution that either uses the CrashPlan Central server or any other machine or device of your choosing. CrashPlan runs quietly in the background, automatically protecting your files. CrashPlan is cross-platform: backup your new Mac to your old PC or your laptop to a friend’s desktop, whichever you want. You can manage how much space a friend gets, where their files are stored, and when to run backups. If you’re worried about using too much space on a friend’s computer, you can simply attach a USB drive. CrashPlan seamlessly extends its functionality online to provide you remote management of your backup.

The setup and user interface for CrashPlan are straight forward, you shouldn’t have any trouble getting things up and running. Most people won’t find that they need the additional perks that come with an upgrade to the premium service, which makes CrashPlan an appealingly free option for personal backup. CrashPlan is freeware and available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

This tool was tested in My Fedora 11 and ubuntu 9.04 and working fine

You need Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment to run the tool succefully.

Lets start:

Download Crashplan

Then extract the tar file :

tar -zxvf CrashPlan_2009-06-11.tgz
Change to the folder where you extracted crash plan
cd CrashPlan-install

Welcome to the CrashPlan Installer.

Press enter to continue with installation.<---------------- Press entrer to continue

Validating environment…
detected root permissions

You must review and agree to the EULA before installation.

Press enter to read the EULA.

Do you accept and agree to be bound by the EULA? (yes/no) yes

What directory do you wish to install CrashPlan to? [/usr/local/crashplan]
/usr/local/crashplan does not exist. Create /usr/local/crashplan? (y/n) [y]

What directory do you wish to link the CrashPlan executable to? [/usr/local/bin]

What directory do you wish to store backups in? [/usr/local/var/crashplan] /opt/crachplanstore
/opt/crachplanstore does not exist. Create /opt/crachplanstore? (y/n) [y]

What directory contains your SYSV init scripts? [/etc/init.d]

What directory contains your runlevel init links? [/etc/rc2.d]

Your selections:
CrashPlan will install to: /usr/local/crashplan
And put links to binaries in: /usr/local/bin
And store datas in: /opt/crachplanstore
Your init.d dir is: /etc/init.d
Your current runlevel directory is: /etc/rc2.d

Is this correct? (y/n) [y] <--------------------------------------Yes

Unpacking /./CrashPlan_2009-06-11.cpi …
29808 blocks
Starting CrashPlan Engine … OK

CrashPlan has been installed and the Service has been started automatically.

Press Enter to complete installation.

Important directories:
Default archive location:

Start Scripts:
sudo /usr/local/crashplan/bin/CrashPlanEngine start|stop

You can run the CrashPlan Desktop UI locally as your own user or connect
a remote Desktop UI to this Service via port-forwarding and manage it
remotely. Instructions for remote management are in the readme files
placed in your installation directory:

Would you like to start CrashPlanDesktop? (y/n) [y] <----------------Yes

To start the Desktop UI:

Installation is complete. Thank you for installing CrashPlan for Linux.


See this video:!

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