Linux Killer Application: AppChecker

by Manoj 2012-04-13 11:32:11



Many of the developers face one problem in Linux applications development, that to ensure the application works fine in all distributions like SUSE, Redhat, Debian etc.

Fortunately, The Linux Foundation has just released a beta of a new program, Linux Application Checker (AppChecker), that’s going to make vendors and programmers start to love developing for Linux. The Linux Application Checker (also referred to as “AppChecker”) is a powerful new tool designed to help software developers target Linux. It draws on the extensive testing framework developed by the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Linux Foundation and leverages the work of the Linux Standard Base (LSB) workgroup.

Some of the highlights of Linux Application Checker (AppChecker):

Its open source
It checks .rpm, .deb, tar.gz and tar.bz2 files.
Checks the application for LSB compliance.
And check against all the Linux distribution.
So you can check if your app will work with all Linux distributions without actually installing all the distributions. Now that’s something that should excite all the developers.

For more information, visit Linux Developer Network Linux Application Checker. You do need to register on the site before downloading the Linux Application Checker source code. And, once you do, you want to review the Getting Started page for information on installing and using the tool.

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