Use of RSS Feeds in Internet Marketing

by Geethalakshmi 2012-04-16 15:06:05

Use of RSS Feeds in Internet Marketing

RSS poses a lot of uses for those who'd like to use the Internet for marketing or commerce. Here are the things you can do with it:

Create links from their website to yours.
If you are selling or promoting something, web traffic is important. The more RSS directory you upload, the more chances you have people seeing those and checking your site out. And if they have customized their sites with your RSS feeds, then they would get updated listings from your site to theirs automatically.

Collating analysis.
If you have a brand and you'd like to know how your competitor is doing, you may use RSS to see what they have so far. Get a directory of their product or service so you'll know first hand what they have come out with. With the data gathered you now can plan on how you can counter them.

Tracking your own progress.
If you can check out your competitor, of course you'd like to check out too how your business or product is going too. With an RSS directory of your own, you can know how many people are interested in what you are selling or offering.

Increases productivity.
Putting up RSS directories, let's say for newsletters, adds efficiency to your company. If you use RSS for sending out newsletters instead of mailing them to recipients, you'd eliminate the possibility of your letter being classified as spam by users, or being sent in a closed mail account.

Increases efficiency.
There are a lot of websites or news articles that could be beneficial to your brand or company. At times, you'd like to add them to your site. Without the use of RSS, you'd have to copy the entire thing down and note where you got it. If you use RSS, then the headline and part of the story shows up on your site. And this is an automatic process now. If you use RSS, you just include the directory and automatically, the headline appears without you doing much.

Posting RSS directories could cost you some. But the benefits override it. Some sites even offer free RSS directory posting.

RSS uses XML to syndicate pages.
Though that sounds a little technical, there a lot of websites that has user-friendly interface to guide in building your directory. Go ahead and put up your RSS directory up now. RSS has proven to be essential. It has ceased to be an option; it has become a necessity.

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