100% Pure Honey Facts!

by Geethalakshmi 2010-01-03 17:12:20

100% Pure Honey Facts!

Honey is one of the oldest food sources we know. This fascinating fluid is created by honey bees from the nectar of flowers.

Honey does not spoil.

Honey contains large amounts of fructose and glucose. Naturally this makes it an ideal sweetener - much sweeter - almost 20 to 60 per cent more - than sugar itself!

You would think that such a sweet thing would be so bad for your health. Not so at all! Honey does not have any fats or cholesterol. It does not contain any sodium either.

Honeybees have remained unchanged in form or structure for 20 million years.

A honey bee could visit around 2000 flowers in a day, flying around 25 kilometers per hour! That's not all. It would take about 2 million flowers for these little creatures to visit to make just half a kilogram of honey! Not only that, just one single honey bee colony can produce between 30 to 40 kilograms of honey in a year.

Can anyone beat that?

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