Oracle Database Latest Editions explained by itself

by rajesh 2012-04-24 20:46:54

These are the latest oracle editions and what it is as explained by oracle itself.

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition provides industry-leading performance, scalability, security, and reliability on a choice of clustered or single-servers with a wide range of options to meet user needs.

Oracle Database 11g Standard Edition is an affordable, full-featured database for servers with up to four sockets. It allows you to save money by buying only what you need today, and then scale out with Oracle Real Application Clusters as demand grows.

Oracle Database 11g Standard Edition One allows you to get started with small, two socket implementations at only $180 per user (5 user minimum).

Oracle Database 10g Express Edition is an entry-level, small-footprint database that is free to develop, deploy, and distribute.

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