How to apply for Tamil Nadu 12th exam 2012 Revaluation and retotalling

by Jayanthi 2012-05-24 10:24:34

Tamil Nadu 12th exam 2012 Revaluation and retotalling

1. The application forms for Tamil Nadu 12th revaluation 2012 will be issued from May 23 2012 (Wednesday) to May 25 2012 (Friday) at below offices

a. The office of Director of Government Examinations

b. Chief Education Office, District Education Office

c. Regional Directorate of Government Examination Office.

2. The students have 2 options they can either apply for retotalling only or they can Apply for apply for Xerox Copy of their answer sheets and then apply for revaluation within 5 days from the receipt of xerox copy of answer paper.

3. The students must sumit the Filled in Application forms in person to the Directorate/Regional Offices/Chief Educational Offices

Fees for +2 answer sheet Xerox Copy 2012:

• Language each papers - Rs. 550
• Other subject - Rs. 275

Fees for +2 answer sheets Retotaling 2012

• Language Papers, Biology per subject - Rs. 305
• Other each Subjects - Rs. 205

12th answer sheet Revaluation Fee 2012

Language each Paper - Rs. 1010
Other Paper - Rs. 505

Tamilnadu +2 revaluation and retotalling 2012 Chennai Application Issuing Centers

Below is the list of 5 Centers in Chennai from which you can get the applications for revaluation of 12th 2012 exam:

1) Jaigopal Garodia Government Girls Higher Secondary School, Saidapet

2) District Education Officer Office, Chennai (South),
Gandhi-Irwin Road, Egmore

3) District Education Officer Office, Chennai (Central Chennai),
Government Model Higher Secondary School, Saidapet

4) District Education Officer Office, Chennai (East),
Jaigopal Garodia Government Girls Higher Secondary School, Choolaimedu

5) District Education Officer Office, Chennai (North),
Dr. Ambedkar Govt Higher Secondary School Campus, Egmore

Students who have failed in 12th board exams can appear in re-exam which is to be held in June-July 2012.

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