TET Exam Date Change

by Prabakaran 2012-05-29 09:54:40

1. Teachers Recruitment Board has issued notification dated 7.3.2012 for the conduct of Teacher Eligibility Test on 03.06.2012. All administrative arrangements are put in place to conduct the Teacher Eligibility Test. In the meantime, many representations have been received by the Government and Teachers Recruitment Board. The candidates have represented that the schedule prescribed does not ensure sufficient time for preparation. Moreover same set of candidates have to write many other recruitment examinations during the same period and this is causing much stress. Therefore they have been representing for suitable postponement of Teacher Eligibility Test. In view of this, Teachers Recruitment Board has decided to postpone the Teacher Eligibility Test to 12.7.2012. To ensure this, Government have also decided to make special arrangements for the smooth conduct of Teacher Eligibility Test on a working day.
2. Representations have also been received with regard to the lack of clarity on "candidates not required to write Teacher Eligibility Test". The following candidates are not required to write Teacher Eligibility Test
1. All appointments made prior to the date of Notification issued by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) i.e. 23.8.2010.
2. Appointments made based on the advertisement issued before 23.8.2010 and appointment orders issued after 23.8.2010.
3. Appointments made based on the Certificate Verification (CV) conducted before 23.8.2010 and appointment orders issued after 23.8.2010.
3. The list of candidates who have applied for Teacher Eligibility Test is being hosted in the Teachers Recruitment Board Website. (
http://trb.tn.nic.in) Candidates who need further clarification may approach Teachers Recruitment Board with Xerox copy of their application forms and bank challan for the fees paid.

Conduct of Teacher Eligibility Test 2012.

 Teachers Recruitment Board Published notification on 7.3.2012 for conduct of Teacher Eligibility Test.

The following data of the candidates are published in the website for the benefit of the candidates.

1. Application Number
2. Candidate’s name
3. Choice of Exam Centre
4. Date of birth
5. Paper applied for (Paper I / Paper II)
6. Option for Paper II
7. Option made under Language I (for Paper I and Paper II)

Candidates who need further clarification may approach Teachers Recruitment Board with Xerox copy of their application forms and bank challan for the fees paid.

for more details



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