How To Move Windows Software To Another Hard Drive Without Breaking Anything

by Naveenkumar 2012-06-05 19:13:45


Move any Windows program to another hard drive, without breaking the program. If your primary hard drive is full, and what you’ve put on there is software, SymMover is what you’re looking for.

Many people add a second hard drive to their computer when the first one fills up. Moving files – such as music, videos or photos – is a simple matter. Moving software, at least on a Windows system, isn’t. Any attempt to manually move the folder containing the software will almost certainly result in software that no longer works.

SymMover solves this problem by moving the software, then using symbolic links to fool Windows into thinking your software is still located where it should be. And it’s not just for software – you can change the actual location of any folder without Windows noticing, making this a great tool for saving space on your drive.

SymMover only works on Windows Vista and Windows 7. Windows XP and 8 users are out of luck, at least for now. It also won’t work if your drives aren’t formatted NTFS, but if you’re using Vista or 7 that shouldn’t be a problem.

For more details about SymMover click the link below...

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