Check your PC or Laptop Booting Speed

by Manoj 2012-06-07 12:01:35

You know how much time to take your PC or Laptop for booting process. It is very important to do necessary maintenance. So here is the tool for booting speed.


Booting means simple loading operating system or process from turn on the CPU to desktop loading completely. This speed depends on various thing, configuration, hard disk drive status, no. of installations, maintenance and virus. So first you have to know the time of your booting speed. If booting time is less than one minute, then you system is in good condition. If booting time is greater than one minute, then your system is in bad condition. So first check your system for booting speed time.

To check booting speed, there is a tool bootRacer. By using this tool, you may know booting time. Download and install it to your system and start the tool. This checks your system boot speed every time you start the computer. It is free for non-commercial use.

Download link :

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