Disable Windows command prompt

by PRanesh 2012-06-07 12:40:58

In order to follow the steps listed below, you'll need administrator rights and have access to the Microsoft Windows Group Policy editor.

Click Start, and in the Run box type: gpedit.msc and press enter.
In the Group Policy Window, browse to the User Configuration\Administrative Templates and highlight the System folder.
In the System folder, double-click "Prevent access to the command prompt."
Change the Setting to Enabled, then click Ok.

When entering the command prompt, you should now receive a prompt similar to the example below.

The command prompt has been disabled by your administrator.

Press any key to continue . . .

If you wish to re-enable this feature, follow the above steps. However, instead of setting the option to "Enabled", change it to the default setting of "Not configured."

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