Shri Pranab Mukherjee Profile and Biography

by Geethalakshmi 2012-06-16 10:49:50

Shri Pranab Mukherjee Profile and Biography


NameShri Pranab Mukherjee
Constituency from which I am electedJangipur
Father's NameLate Shri Kamada Kinkar Mukherjee
Mother's NameLate Smt. Rajlakshmi Mukherjee
Date of Birth11 Dec 1935
Birth PlaceVill.Mirati, Kirnahar, Distt. Birbhum (West Bengal
Maritial StatusMarried
Date of Marriage13 Jul 1957
Spouse NameSmt. Suvra Mukherjee
No. of ChildrenNo.of Sons:2 No.of Daughters:1
State NameWest Bengal
Party NameIndian National Congress
Permanent AddressFlat No. 2-A, First Floor,60/2/7, Kavi Bharti Sarani, Lake Road, Kolkata - 700 029 West BengalTel. (033) 24648366
Present Address13, Talkatora Road,New Delhi - 110 001Tels. (011) 23737623, 23737657 (R), 23092810, 23092510 (O), Fax. (011) 23737658 (R), 23093289 (O)
Email idpkm[at]sansad[dot]nic[dot]in
Educational QualificationsM.A. (History), M.A. (Political Science), LL.B., D. Litt. (Honoris Causa) Educated at Vidyasagar College, Suri, Calcutta University, West Bengal
ProfessionPolitical and Social Worker Teacher Journalist Writer
Positions Held
July 1969Elected to Rajya Sabha
Jan. 1973-Jan. 1974Union Deputy Minister, Industrial Development
Jan. 1974-Oct. 1974Union Deputy Minister, Shipping and Transport
Oct. 1974-Dec. 1975Union Minister of State, Finance
July 1975Re-elected to Rajya Sabha (2nd term)
Dec. 1975-Mar. 1977Union Minister, Revenue and Banking (Independent Charge)
1978 -1980Deputy Leader, Congress Party, Rajya Sabha
27 Jan. 1978 - 18 JaMember, Congress Working Committee (INC)
1978 - 1979Treasurer, All India Congress Committee
Treasurer, Congress (I) Party in Parliament
1978 - 1986Member, Central Parliamentary Board, AICC
Jan. 1980-Jan. 1982Union Minister, Commerce and Steel and Mines
1980 -1985Leader of the House, Rajya Sabha
Aug. 1981Re-elected to Rajya Sabha (3rd term)
Jan. 1982-Dec. 1984 Union Cabinet Minister, Finance with additional charge of Ministry of Commerce and Supply
1984-1991,1996 and 1Chairman, Campaign Committee of AICC for Conducting National Election to Parliament
1987 - 1989Chairman, Economic Advisory Cell, AICC
June 1991-May 1996Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission
Jan. 1993-Feb. 1995Union Cabinet Minister, Commerce
1993Re-elected to Rajya Sabha (4th term)
Feb. 1995-May 1996Union Cabinet Minister, External Affairs
1996 - 2003Member, Business Advisory Committee, Rajya Sabha
1996 -2004Member, Committee on Privileges, Rajya Sabha
Member, Committee on Rules, Rajya Sabha
1996 -1999Member, Consultative Committee for External Affairs
1997Chairman, Departmentally related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science & Technology, Environment & Forest
1999Re-elected to Rajya Sabha (5th term)
28 June 1999 onwardsChairman, Central Election Coordination Committee, AICC
10 Aug.1997 till datMember, Congress Working Committee( INC)
1998 - 1999General Secretary, AICC
June 1998 - May 2004Chairman, Departmentally related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs
Aug. 2000 till datePresident, West Bengal Pradesh Congress Committee
12 Dec. 2001 onwardsMember, Central Election Committee, AICC
13 May 2004Elected to 14th Lok Sabha
23 May 2004 - 24 OctUnion Cabinet Minister, Defence
25 May 2004Leader of the House, Lok Sabha
25 Oct. 2006-23 May Union Cabinet Minister, External Affairs
24 Jan. 2009 - 23 MaMinistry of Finance (additional charge)
20 May 2009Re-elected to 15th Lok Sabha (2nd term)
26 May 2009Leader of the House, Lok Sabha
23 May 2009 onwardsUnion Cabinet Minister, Finance
Social and Cultural ActivitiesPresident, Nikhil Bharat Banga Sahitya Sammelan, 1995-2001 and Rabindra Bharati Society; Chairman (i) Nikhil Bharat Sahitya Sammelan since 2004;(ii) Council of Indian Statistical Institute since 2006; and (iii) Planning Board, Asiatic Society, Kolkata, 1984-1986, 1992-1996 and 2004-2009; Trustee (i) Bangiya Sahitya Parishad, 1984-1990; and (ii) Bidhan Memorial Trust, Kolkata since 1998.
Favourite Pastimes and RecreationReading, gardening and music especially Rabindra Sangeet
Countries VisitedWidely travelled
Other InformationInternational Organizations: (i) Board of Governors (a)International Monetary Fund 1982 -1985; (b) World Bank, 1982 - 1985; (c) Asian Development Bank, 1982 -1985; (d) African Development Bank, 1982 -1985; (e) Member, Boards of governance since May 2009; (ii) Chairman, Group 24 Ministerial Group attached to IMF and World Bank, 1984; (iii) Presided over SAARC Council of Ministers Conference, May 1995; November 1995; 2006 and 2007 Leader of Indian delegations to: (i) Colombo Plan Finance Ministers` Conference, Singapore, 1975 and Colombo, 1976; (ii) Commonwealth Finance Ministers` Conference, 1982, 1983 and 1984; (iii) Annual General Meeting of World Bank and IMF, 1982, 1983 and 1984; (iv) Annual General Meeting of Asian Development Bank, 1982, 1983 and 1984; (v) Ministerial Conference of WTO, Marrakesh, 1994; (vi) UN General Assembly, 1994, 1995, 2005 and 2006; (vii) Social Summit, Copenhagen, 1995; (viii) 40th Anniversary of Asian Conference, Bandung, 1995; (ix) Non-Aligned Foreign Ministers Conference, Carte-Ghana, 1995; (x) Conference of Commonwealth Heads of Governments (CHOGAM), Auckland 1996 Honours and Distinctions conferred:i)Rated as one of the best five Finance Ministers of the world, 1984 according to a survey of Euro Money, a journal published from New York; (ii)Conferred Best Parliamentarian Award, 1997; (iii) Awarded Padma Vibhushan, 2007. (iv) The London based magazine `Emerging Markets` has named Shri Pranab Mukherjee``Finance Minister of the Year for Asia 2010``. His leadership in the Ministry of Finance and other Economic Ministries was well acclaimed, nationally and internationally. He was considered as the key figure in formulating economic policies of the nation for a long period. Under his stewardship India earned the distinction of not withdrawing the last installment of IMF loan to the extent of US$1.1 billion. He was considered top ranking Minister and presided over the Cabinet meetings of the Union in the absence of the Prime Minister during 1980-1985.

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