Newsletter and its importance in SEO marketing

by Geethalakshmi 2012-06-20 15:25:10

Newsletter and its importance in SEO marketing

Newsletter is becoming an essential part of any website. One of the most important tasks for a business is to maintain contact with its customers. Developing a newsletter program with a solid audience will prove to be a very important marketing asset for the duration of your company.

Think about how on any given website you only have a few seconds to capture the attention of a visitor before they are gone forever. Developing a strategy to attract new customers and retaining existing clients is crucial to successful marketing. Maintaining a company blog is a great way to get your personal message out to many viewers. But a blog is a passive effort, meaning a user must navigate to it in order to get the message. Transforming a passive blog into a pro-active newsletter program is a logical step.

Researchers have shown that users have mentioned three reasons why they prefer to receive email newsletters:

1. Email newsletters keep users up-to-date with informative content.

2. The convenience of Email newsletters delivered straight to the user’s inbox is attractive; users only need a simple click to access the information that is of interest to them.

3. Email newsletters have timely content and real-time delivery.

Newsletter programs that take advantage of these benefits have a sustainable future. However they must constantly deliver specific and current information that helps readers with life or work issues.


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