NTLDR missing or NTDETECT.COM not found in windows XP

by Manoj 2012-07-07 15:27:07

You have probem with “NTLDR is missing, Press any key to restart” during boot up ?

What is NTLDR ?

NTLDR (NT Loader) is the boot loader for all releases of Microsoft’s Windows NT operating system up to and including Windows XP.
This message NTLDR is missing indicates that the boot loader is either corrupted or missing due to some reason.

Let’s now see how we can fix it.

There are two approaches to fix the missing boot loader in windows XP.

If your Windows is installed on FAT32 Partitions:

1. Boot your computer with a Win98 startup floppy.
2. Now, copy the NTLDR or NTDETECT.COM files from the i386 directory on your floppy to your windows installation drive (e.g in “c:\” in case the windows is installed on cSmile

If your Windows is installed on NTFS Partitions:

1. Arrange for the bootable Windows XP setup CD.
2. Boot from CD select R=Repair option, by pressing R key during the setup.
3. Select the windows installation.
4. You need to enter in the administrator password when requested, if you had not set any password for the administrator account just press enter without typing.
5. Type the following commands to repair the bootloader, where X is the drive letter for your CD / DVD drive.
COPY X:\i386\NTLDR C\:
6. Eject CD-ROM and type exit to restart.

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