Qalculate For Linux – Desktop Calculator

by Manoj 2012-07-07 16:25:54

Ultimate desktop calculator
Qalculate is a multi-purpose desktop calculator for GNU/Linux. Qalculate is extermely small and simple to use but with much power and versatility underneath. Features include customizable functions, units, arbitrary precision, plotting, and a user-friendly interface (KDE or GTK+).

The options on Qalculate in Linux just blows the Windows calculator away. Imagine a calculator where you can solve extremely complicated expressions, or just convert between different measurements, and you’ve got Qalculate.

Install Qalculate on Ubuntu Linux
1. Goto Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal.
2. Type in the following command,

sudo apt-get install qalculate

3. Then the installation process will start.

Cool Features of “Qalculate”

User Interface
Graphical user interfaces implemented using KDE or GTK+-2.0 and Glade XML
Flexible expression entry and separate result display
Displays whether result is precise or not
Practical menus give fast access to all advanced features
Calculation history
Optional traditional calculator buttons
Dialogs for management of and easy access to functions, variables and units (with quick conversion)
User friendly dialogs for functions, with description and entries for arguments
Create/edit functions, variables and units
Easy editing of matrices and vectors
Easy interface to gnuplot
Separate window for fast conversion between number bases
Periodic table
Small separate utilities for base, currency and unit conversion
Additional text based interface with full functionality

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