GeekTool Commands

by Sanju 2012-07-07 17:51:06

GeekTool Commands

Default Log

One of the best logs I find to have on your Desktop is the following. It shows you useful pieces of information with out random bits thrown in.


View Top Output

There is a lot of ways to view the output of top. The Unix command to view the current CPU usage. To see which one you like run it through Terminal to see which results come out the best for you. Each new line is a separate different command.
top -n 60 -l 2 | tail -61
top -l1 -u -o cpu -S
top -ocpu -FR -l2 -n20 | grep '^....[1234567890] ' | grep -v ' 0.0% ..:' | cut -c 1-24,33-42,64-77

Uptime With Load

My favourite little tool is uptime. Simply because it output the load for you. With load you can tell how badly your computer is living.


Disk Usage

If you want to view how much disk usage you are taking up simply type the following. You may have to change disk0s2 to a different number depending on your configuration.

df -h | grep disk0s2 | awk '{print "Macintosh HD:", $2, "total,", $3, "used,", $4, "remaining"}'

IP Address

If you are on a dynamic IP address or you simply want to know your IP address, this sort of command is probably very useful.

echo External IP: `curl -s | sed 's/[a-zA-Z<>/ :]//g'`

Internal IP Address

Same as above although this will show you an internal IP.

ifconfig en1 | GREP inet

Current Calendar Month

Pretty simple, a small little calendar


If you want the date you can always use:


Get Server Information

If you have a webserver or other server you can get various pieces of information using SSH, items like top doesn’t seem to work to well although other basic commands do.

ssh name@ 'command1;command2;

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