Enable x-ray folders in Quick Look

by Sanju 2012-07-07 19:40:31

Enable x-ray folders in Quick Look

1. Folders can look dreary

If you highlight a file in Finder and press [Space] or click on the eye-like icon in the toolbar, you activate Quick Look, giving you information about the item in question and possibly a preview of the file. Folders look pretty dull in Quick Look, as you can see here.

2. See through the veil

Fortunately, there is a way to spice up your folder viewing experience, and Terminal is the source: to make Quick Look give you an x-ray image of a folder, simply type:

defaults write com.apple.finder QLEnableXRayFolders -boolean YES

3. X-ray vision is yours

Quick Look now offers an x-ray view of a folder, with an icon that shows you what's inside it. To disable this feature once more, type the code offered in step two again, replacing 'YES' with 'NO'. Quick Look folders are returned to their former state, with no x-ray view.

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