Memcached high-performance memory object caching system, It is often used to speed up dynamic database driven websites by caching data.
Now, i have given the steps of how to install the memcached and extension for php.
Download the repo from the EPEL.
#rpm -Uhv
And use yum command to install the memcahed
#yum -y install memcached
start the memcached service as follow,
#/etc/init.d/memcached start
Now, Install the memcached php extension
Download the memcached extension,
Extract the .tgz file as follow command,
#tar -xvf memcache-3.0.6.tgz
#cd memcache-3.0.6
#phpize && ./configure --enable-memcache && make
#make install
After installing the memcache php enable the extension on php.ini as
#vim /etc/php.ini
Finally, restart the httpd server and memcached.
Memcached installed and configured in your server.
Note : # symbols indicate to command