Checking your RDB Node DAD with the DAD Checker
by Dinesh[ Edit ] 2012-07-23 09:44:27
Checking your RDB Node DAD with the DAD Checker
The DAD checker is a tool from IBM that checks the validity of a DAD. It checks the data constraints of the DAD document and returns errors and warnings, if there are any. It can be downloaded from
Here’s an example of a DAD file session. As per the setup instructions, go to the install directory and type the following command:
C:\Temp\Db2\dadchk\bin>java dadchecker.Check_dad_xml -dad AmazonListings.DAD
If all goes well, you should get a message like this, listing all of the errors that were checked. The documentation that cones with the tool has a full explanation of the messages. If there are any problems with the DAD format, the line number of the error will display, along with a possible cause: