Adding DADS and DTDs to the Database

by Dinesh 2012-07-23 12:29:05

The DB2 XML Extender Administration Wizard provides a user-friendly interface to the dxxEnableCollection() stored procedure. This procedure accepts a DAD file name and a collection name, then registers the structure of the DAD as an XML collection in the database. DTDs can be registered there as well. Once the connection is registered, DB2 XML Extender stored procedures can be used to retrieve, store, and manipulate XML documents and relational data. These are well covered in DB2 XML Extender documentation.

dxxEnableCollection() :Registers a DAD file in a DB2 XML Extender-enabled database, and names a collection. The collection can be referenced when extracting or shredding XML documents.

dxxDisableCollection() : Disables a registered DAD file in a DB2 XML Extenderenabled database, and removes the collection name reference.

dxxGenXML() :Returns a table-based result set from a query and a supplied DAD file. The DAD file does not have to be registered in the database as a named XML collection.

dxxRetrieveXML():Returns a table-based result set from a query and a named XML collection that is registered in the database.

dxxShredXML():Creates relational data from a supplied XML document based on a specified DAD file. The DAD file does not have to be registered in the database as a named XML collection.

dxxInsertXML():Creates relational data from a supplied XML document and a named XML collection that is registered in the database.

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