Swapping Processors and parsers with JAXP
by Dinesh[ Edit ] 2012-07-23 14:27:26
Swapping Processors and parsers with JAXP
JAXP contains facilities for one XSLT processor to be swapped out for another XSLT processor, without changing this code. The parser that is used to parse the XSL stylesheet into a template object and the XML source document into something that the XSLT processor can digest (usually a DOM node tree or a set of SAX events) can also be substituted.
The JAXP specification details how to swap one XSTP processor and/or parser for another. The full JAXP specification and all other XML JCP specifications can be found on the JCP Website at http://jcp.org/en/jsr/tech?listBy= 1&listByType=tech.